Energy and Shamanic Healing

Energy Healing

Radiant energy healing is a unique technique combining aspects of Reiki, Healing Touch and energy work designed to remove blocks, raise your vibration and open flow. Sessions are nurturing and focus on enhancing your well-being and deepening your energetic wholeness. Crystals and sound healing are part of the healing journey.

Sessions may address a specific issue related to pain, feeling depleted or anxious or may be a general energy tune-up.

60 minute sessions are $100 (in-person or remote)

Shamanic Healing

One of the oldest forms of healing, practiced across continents, shamanic healing is a spiritually based practice that aligns you with your soul’s radiance and sense of purpose. During a shamanic healing session, I tap into pathways of perception to access information and compassionate guides who support the transformational healing.

When you feel at a crossroads or challenged, find yourself repeating unhelpful patterns, feel that you are acting out of character and don’t know why, or want guidance to live with deeper meaning and direction, a shamanic session may be helpful.

Shamanic healing sessions may include clearing of limiting blocks and beliefs or inappropriate energies, the restoration of soul essence or lost energies, and connections to your unique power spirits. Mostly, during a session, you relax while I rattle or drum as I journey to conduct the healing. Subsequently, I share a healing story in which you are given the gifts of being seen in your truest and highest self.

90 minute sessions are $150 (in-person or remote)

Testimonials are noted below.

To inquire about a session, please submit the form below. If you would like to schedule a brief call prior to the session to learn more and prepare for the healing, please be sure to include your phone number, time zone and best times for a call when you submit the form below.


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It was my privilege to have an in-person radiant healing session with Michelle. Her gentle spirit and kind attention made the whole experience relaxing and energizing. The focus on our session was "transitions." Going into the session I had been anxious about a big move in my life, an ongoing issue. At the end of the session and going forward I felt calm and a sense of clarity regarding embracing the change and honoring my current time and place. A real sense of peace followed me. Michelle is a gifted healer and I was so very pleased to have the chance to work with her.

- Caroline B., Santa Fe, NM

Michelle's gifts as a shamanic practitioner are many, including her beautiful, heartfelt expressions of how her helping spirits have brought medicine to my longing. I have received many healing stories from Michelle and something I notice time and again is the way in which she holds space for the divinity of our true nature. I always leave our time together with a remembering that comes from being attuned to my true self which is endlessly vibrant and the space from which possibility emerges. This is such a powerful way to be shown who we really are underneath our habitual patterns and human challenges. I experience a space within that has been cleared, helping something new emerge. And if this weren't enough, under Michelle's gaze and care, you are the only person in the world that matters while you're with her. This is a gift that changes everything, including our emotional and neural chemistry. In this way, Michelle is not just a shamanic practitioner; she's an alchemist.

- Wendy, North Carolina

Thank you for facilitating such a deep Shamanic journey; the images have been swirling through my day, very potent.

- Nanette P., Santa Fe, New Mexico

Working with Michelle is a sacred gift! There is a way in which Divine Grace so flows through Michelle that it is like being held in "a Healing Embrace" from the moment your session begins all the way through its end. She and her Helping Spirits collaborate with such gentle, thoroughness and incisive spiritual clarity, and provided transformation and perspective beyond what I could see for myself. I will always be so grateful for the powerful, transforming work I have done with her!

- Shana P., Kansas

I have used many types of energy healing modalities over the years to “fix” or help heal various physical body parts, and ailments, as well as emotional/mental issues (depression, anxiety). These include acupuncture, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), sound and panic healing and craniosacral therapy. However, I had been skeptical of healing touch and Reiki. I wasn’t sure if it was as “real” as those I had experienced. I hesitantly scheduled my first Reiki session with Michelle, a very radiant woman I knew from yoga teacher training. Once I pulled into the driveway, the energy shifted as I was surrounded by the arms of the magnificent pines, the gentle winds, fragrant air, and the radiant glow of Michelle. This was going to be magical. After talking a bit about myself, learning what to expect during the session and feeling more at ease, I went on my healing journey. I had nowhere else to be but here, deep within the pines, the gentle air and my energy guiding Michelle and Creator to the places to be touched with healing love. I felt a heaviness leave my heart. It was real. Waking early the following morning, I was bathed in the most pleasant feeling of safety and love. There was a protective web of light spun ever so gently around my entire being.

- Suzy R., Santa Fe, NM